about us

Designer and creator of works of art

Designer and creator of works of art using natural shells in the form of mirror frames, photo frames, art paintings, interior decoration and abstract works.

  • Date of birth : February 1990
  • website : shellmpro.com
  • Phone number : 09130000
  • City : Kerman
  • Age : 30
  • Evidence : Masters
  • Email : info@motekef.ir
  • Type of Activity : Freelance

Manouchehr Karimnia established his creativity and innovation in the field of Iranian handicrafts, particularly natural shell art, over 35 years ago. This delicate and unparalleled art is a combination of shell art with other arts such as carving, marquetry, inlay work, painting, and more, resulting in valuable pieces of art. Shell art is a unique art form at the national and possibly global level, and with various innovations, Karimnia has executed methods such as shell cultivation, shell arrangement, marquetry, and more, in the form of numerous wooden works, ranging from small to large (photo frames, mirrors, console mirrors, furniture, and interior decoration). Over the years, in addition to creating and producing various works, Karimnia, as a committed and independent artist, has always been concerned with education and entrepreneurship. Many art enthusiasts, art students, and others with interest, enthusiasm, and talent have been trained by him. Now, entering the 77th season of his life, he has entrusted all his art, love, and creativity to his son, Kamran Karimnia, to revive this art legacy and bring it to a new place, infusing modern art with the preservation of ancient authenticity.


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Resume and biography


Plaques and awards


1389 to 1393

Bahonar Kerman

I took the entrance exam in 2010 and entered Bahonar University of Kerman in 2011 and was accepted in the field of ... with a national rank ... and with a GPA .... In 2014, I graduated from this university with a bachelor's degree. . With the art of Kerman from 89 to 93 With the art of Kerman from 89 to 93


From 1397 until now

factory ....

2016 - Technical Manager of Kerman Industrial Town Duration of cooperation 1 year Responsibilities: Technical Manager and Production Manager Salary of 1 million Tomans Incentives: Certification ...

Company ....

Year 1396 - Accountant of Iran - Kerman Duration of cooperation 1 year Responsibilities: Technical Manager and Production Manager Salary of 1 million Tomans Incentives: Certification ... Startup team ....
Year 1397 - Tehran site design
Duration of cooperation 1 year Responsibilities: Technical Manager and Production Manager Salary of 1 million Tomans Incentives: Certification ...



interior design

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birthday party

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Iran - Kerman

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